Sunday 7 April 2013

soap&glory..a bit like a rose. many thorns but with one incredible pore reducing rose.

Okay so I went a little crazy. Having heard SO much about Soap&Glory and all its wonderfulness I decided to buy a small product to try it out myself.

I lied. 

I went and bought FIVE Soap&Glory products (oops) without fully knowing if I would actually like them.

..Okay so I didn't actually like them. LESSON LEARNED as they say. I definitely need to stop being such an eager beaver when buying skin products but they just looked so damn good!! I have to laugh, it would have to be the time when I voluntarily opt for the largest bottles I could find of the products, I would end up being oh so very disappointed in them. 

To me the Daily Smooth Body Lotion seemed too light a texture, with not enough substance to actually hydrate my dry winter skin however if I had chosen the body butter I may have come to a different verdict!

My skin was dry again about half hour after I used this. So upsetting!

The mist bottle aimed to add a beautiful scent to the skin (and although smelling extremely yummy) it was very difficult to spray on, as you have to hold it upright for it to work...a little hard when trying to angle it to different body parts of the skin!

The body wash smelt gorgeous, and so I didn't see it as a complete failure buy but again the consistency and thickness of the product was too light for my personal preference. Hey ho...some people like having a very light base of product but I'm more of a creamy, lather it in and deep moisturise my skin please kinda gal.


I did at least like one of them within the facial skin care range; the "No Clogs Allowed" Intensive-Action Pore-Refining Facial Peel. It even came with its own little sponge! (I squealed in delight when I saw this...okay snorted like a little happy pig but still). I steamed my face first by just chucking some boiling water in a bowl and placing a tea towel over my head (classy i know ha!) to open my pores and then scrubbed the mask in.

IT WAS INCREDIBLE! My face smelt like roses and sunshine and as smooth as a chubby babies bottom. My pores were smaller and all those tiny annoying little blackheads were gone. YAY. This product was worth my manic little spending spree. I want it in my life forever.

Now facing the world with a fresh face and zest for life (aka. cold shower to close the pores back up) I decided to do a bit of Yogalates (a combination of yoga and pilates, how fancy!) to complete my fun filled day. Hope you are all having a good weekend too!

P.S. That mask made me happy. 

Friday 5 April 2013

the house bunny. cookie.

Soooooooo.....i have a little confession. I am a massive animal lover. I'm one of those people that will go on and on and on about their animals and how cute they are and mention every single minute detail that their pet has ever done to anyone who listens;

"my bunny did the FUNNIEST thing last night, he actually managed to sit on a box, it was hilarious, oh you had to be there...wait hold on I have a photo of it" (at this point my friends have slowly edged themselves out of the room and far far away from me)

He has this weird obsession with sitting on my head and falling asleep...

Yup that's me. I'm one of those people. I'm not ashamed of it though, actually I'm quite proud of it, maybe because those silly little "he sat on a box" moments actually do make me feel fuzzy happy inside. 

As they say people, its the little things in life

So this post is all about introducing my bunny Cookie.. I thought about naming him something obscenely rom-com borderline gay 'Romeo' because he would break all the other girl bunnies hearts (sometimes I don't even understand the thought processes that go through my head) but settled on Cookie because..well I like cookies. 

The pictures are a little squiffy and I apologise as I will get my better camera out soon and snap some beautiful Peter Rabbit-esque photos...

...but he always seems to do the funniest things when i'm only near my phone (Blackberry cameras you shame me, someone send me an iPhone please!) 

chillaxin..watching tv like a normal house bunny does..

I am NOT even joking when I say he honestly didn't think I could see him when he did this
Just a few trigger happy snaps for you! This is Cookie, a Mini Lop house bunny who demands to be carried around and cuddled unless he is sitting watching tv or sitting on my head.

Thursday 4 April 2013

are revlon's lip butters as good as they say?

So I've had a week off to do whatever I like and I planned to be really good and read a couple books that I have been meaning to start, go for long walks and ultimately spring clean my house.....HA. The walk I did end up going on took me through some sort of treacherous mountain, which may sound quite idyllic...but when you had planned on going for a leisurely stroll through town in easytone shoes (where the soles on the feet are actually balls to help tone your calves) it ended up on a slippery, ankle twisting journey. 

So plan B was to do a bit of retail therapy. I thought "you know what, maybe its time to invest in some proper walking boots, maybe some with extra grip and ankle support"..I started on Millets website and somehow, through no choice of my own (I say this because my willpower when it comes to makeup is zilch) ended up on Boots makeup range. So off to the shops I went and invested in Revlon's lip butter.


In the last couple months I have heard quite a bit about this new Revlon product, how it can moisturise lips yet has the stay and colour of a true high quality lipstick. I suffer from dry chapped lips so easily and the weather is definitely not helping (and it is currently snowing outside my window AGAIN). Lipstick at this current moment is making the dryness worse so when I thought about the moisturising qualities in this lip butter I practically ran to the till counter with it. 

025 Peach Parfait
I chose 025 Peach Parfait for a natural look. It added a subtle shimmer to my lips which I actually pleasantly liked and felt so smooth to apply. My lips felt instantly soothed which was an added bonus.

I was disappointed in the amounts of time I had to reapply this product though, more than I usually have to as I felt that the softness of the butter meant that it came off quicker than usual. The colour also faded quickly which wasn't so much of a problem with my natural shade but I can see how it would be a problem if I had chosen a brighter or darker shade.

Oooooo it shimmers!!
Overall I LOVE this butter for moisturising and taking care of my lips, and definitely need it for the next few months until the weather gets warmer but if I were to go out I would look for a lipstick that has better colour and stay quality.

It is definitely worth a buy if you need serious loving for dry, painful lips!

how little meemoo came about...


So I thought I should probably explain how my blog name came about. It is possibly my FAVOURITE nickname that I have been given over the years. It has such a soft, cute sounding touch to it.

Actually, it very much reminds me of Katie from Horton Hears a Who (a very sweet cartoon based on a Dr. Seuss novel which came out in 2008...god i feel like a bit of an oldie now!). This is what Katie looks like...and was my entire definition of what a meemoo was:

"In MY world, everyone's a pony and they eat rainbows and poop butterflies"

And this is me....

Okay so this was actually Halloween where I was attempting to dress like a pumpkin but it is the best resemblance I have to being Katie. 

SO HERE I WAS thinking that meemoo was this adorably cute nickname that I would base my new blog on to document all random things about my life when I stumbled across this definition;

"a type of mermaid that is always hungry and sleepy... at the same time happens to be a very nice and sweet person."

Oh my sweet cupcake I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed so much when I found this (possibly because the hungry and sleepy part is so true), and I happened to be doing this horrific -Jimmy Carr style (yes my friends have noticed that I laugh EXACTLY like this comedian) male chortle while jiggling on my sofa (yes I also jiggle when I find things funny) to see my elderly next door neighbour standing outside my window in horror. Awkward.

So now, rather than being the cute fluffball I imagined, I'm now a starved and sleep deprived mermaid. Maybe I should rename my blog to hungrysleepymermaid.blogspot? It has however, given me a good laugh to the start of my day and I hope you all enjoy your day too!

Have a good day meemoos!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

it's never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.

I am going to start off my first blog post with something that is close to my heart at the moment. I have done a blog in the past, I loved doing every minute of it, from the researching to giving my opinions on professional bodies within the spa industry. I wanted to do something a little different this time, I wanted to make a blog that was personal to me, something that I could create so much variety with yet still had some vulnerability to it. 

I think I am right in saying that when you pour your heart out about your life and things in it, a little bit of vulnerability comes with it. I think that's what makes it exciting though and I'm looking forward to my new journey through this blog. 

As I was saying about writing something that is quite personal to me at the moment. I have this friend, actually my best friend, the friend you call nearly every single day just because you can, the friend you think is an absolute weirdo but love all the same, the friend that won't stop talking and you really need to do something for a deadline but she STILL keeps chatting until you honestly don't know how she hasn't taken a breath yet. Yup, I have this friend, and she makes me so damn proud every day. 

You see, we have both recently graduated, and it's our first jobs since university and in this current climate, you absolutely need to break your balls to even get something like this. Today, she handed in her resignation and I don't think I have ever respected someone more in my entire life. I have never felt more proud that she has been strong enough to say 'you know what, this might not be for me, and while I have no major responsibilities I'm going to find something i LOVE'. This girl right here works hard, works harder than most people could ever dream of. I used to be chilling, eating some popcorn at uni and get a phone call at 9pm on a saturday 'yeah, worked until 4am yesterday on my project and working all this weekend at Selfridges too. babe (BABE! She always says babe, absolutely love her for it, cracks me up every time)..babe i have too. you have to work hard in life'. And she did. She worked so unbelievably hard at this new job but she was so unhappy. She deserves to be happy, my bleedin marshmallows everyone deserves to be happy. But she didn't want to be a quitter, but she realised that walking away isn't quitting, it's giving yourself the respect you deserve. 

Me and the BABE. :)

This post is about being happy and in life, you want to do something that you can enjoy. If you are scared about changing jobs and starting something new, DON'T BE. It's a new adventure and Winnie the Pooh had many, incredible, honey filled ones. 

“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
                                                                    Even longer,' Pooh answered.”